$STT, our utility token, plays a dual role within the MonstaVerse ecosystem. Positioned as an inflationary token with high utility, $STT is engineered to maintain a stable value, insulating it from the volatility often associated with market trends and demand fluctuations. This strategic design ensures that $STT remains a reliable and constant medium of exchange, making it the ideal stable currency for all users within the Monsta ecosystem.
Smart Contract Address : 0x9Ee75952E3408ed7005225855aA1835D6d0023CA
Current Supply : 1,685,184,544 STT
Allocation | Amount (STT) |
Initial Mint (Monsta Chain) | 1,587,600,000 |
Second Mint (Pancakeswap Launch) | 79,380,000 |
Third Mint (Replacement Mint) | 18,204,554 |
TOTAL | 1,685,184,544 |
Pancakeswap Liquidity Pool | 100,000,000 |
Juggyswap Liquidity Pool | 200,000,000 |
Burnt | 500,000,000 |
A Versatile Token with a Purpose
Beyond its stability, $STT boasts a multifaceted utility that amplifies user engagement and participation. Designed to facilitate transactions across various in-game activities, the Marketplace, and other ecosystem transactions, $STT infuses each interaction with a seamless and value-driven experience.
Strategic Sustainability and In-Game Enhancement
Through strategic burn mechanisms, we safeguard $STT's long-term value. This sustainable approach enhances the token's longevity and profitability, while also fueling its in-game empowerment, enriching user experiences.
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