RNG Oracle

Importance of Secure RNG in NFT Minting: Maintaining the integrity of minting NFTs is pivotal in upholding the value of the entire token set. Whether it's hatching a Monsta purchased from sales (with no parentage) or cloned from a set of parent Monstas, the logic underpinning both processes demands the generation of random numbers in a manner that's unbiased and resistant to tampering.

Challenges with Traditional RNG in Blockchains: Blockchains, by their very nature, are deterministic systems, making the generation of genuinely random numbers a complex task. Factors like block time can be manipulated by miners, further complicating this endeavor. Thus, the quest for randomness needs an external facilitator – an oracle.

Our Solution: Aiming for a decentralized paradigm, we've architected a sophisticated, yet collaborative RNG mechanism that pulls from multiple verifiable sources:

  1. Seed Initialization: An initial seed is presented by a centralized oracle authority from our "Hatching Furnace".

  2. Smart Contract Activation: Concurrently with the oracle's seed, a secret seed is generated from sources that are cryptographically secure.

  3. Seed Enhancement: The block hash, combined with specific Monsta parameters, is then blended into the initial equation, culminating in the formulation of a novel seed using the Keccak256 algorithm.

  4. Final RNG Production: The random numbers stemming from the previous steps undergo further scrambling using the xorshift* algorithm, ensuring their randomness is preserved and reliable.

Advantage: Given the rapid rate at which blockchain miner nodes produce blocks, manipulation becomes an arduous task. This robust system safeguards our RNG process, ensuring transparency, fairness, and value preservation.

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